L’Elicoidale in the world

We bring the tradition of Italian craftsmanship to the world by designing and manufacturing high-design helical staircases.

We provide for the sole supply as well as the entire installation of our stairs throughout the italian national territory, in all the countries of the European Community and in all non-European countries.
Our company team is therefore able to operate and reach all the continents, always pursuing the search of quality in every stage of the production process.

Below is a selection of Italian and foreign locations where we have created our projects.

Projects in Italy

  • L’Aquila
  • Chieti
  • Pescara
  • Teramo
  • Potenza
  • Cosenza
  • Crotone
  • Ancona
  • Fermo
  • Ascoli Piceno
  • Macerata
  • Pesaro e Urbino
  • Bari
  • Brindisi
  • Foggia
  • Cagliari
  • Carbonia-Iglesias
  • Messina
  • Palermo
  • Bolzano
  • Trento
  • Perugia
  • Terni
  • Aosta

Projects abroad

  • Deutschland
  • Suisse
    Vacallo, Gordola
  • France
    Metz, Paris, La Ciotat, Roque Brune Cap Martin, Berd’huis
  • Slovenija
  • United Kingdom
  • Caraibi
  • España
    Palma de Mallorca
  • Al-Jazā’ir
    El Merk
  • San Marino

Craftsmanship ⸺ Design ⸺ Innovation

Enhance your spaces

Handcrafted, custom-designed helical staircases for every space requirement.